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  • assemblytories

Keith Prince AM: Mayor must not dither and delay on reopening Night Tube

The Mayor of London confirmed today that there would be an announcement on Night Tube “in the next few weeks” following City Hall Tories’ call for the service to give women and girls a safer way home.

Keith Prince, GLA Conservative Transport Spokesman, commented: “Dither and delay won’t make London’s streets safer for women and girls. The Mayor must listen to Londoners and reopen the Night Tube as soon as possible.

“Understandably, many Londoners feel safer travelling on the Tube at night as it’s a better-lit transport option compared to waiting for a bus on dark streets. Resuming the service will not only help London’s nightlife recover but provide women and girls with a safer way to travel at night. “It’s frankly outrageous for the Mayor to declare London’s streets unsafe for women and girls only to ignore their calls for the Night Tube reopen. Londoners want to see action, not strong words and feeble excuses.”


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