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Police & Crime Reports

February 2020 | Keith Prince AM

The special constabulary has been in decline for several years. At the same time, we have seen decreases in the number of police officers, an increase in crime, and the emergence and growth of more complicated criminal activity. By utilising and growing the special constabulary, the MPS can create a larger and more dynamic workforce to serve the needs of Londoners.

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Policing: Keeping It Special

March 2019 | Susan Hall AM

Police officers are our first line of protection in London and perform an outstanding job every day, protecting both us and our city. However, violent crime has increased so has violence and attacks against police officers. Assaults on police officers have increased by a staggering 81.9 per cent. There are simple and easy methods to reduce the risk to the police and we owe it to our officers to put their protection at the forefront of what we do.


In Harm's Way: Protect Our Police

September 2019 | Tony Arbour AM

This report sets out the problems facing HS2 including whether we need it, the cost of the scheme, the scope of the project/benefit, capacity, lack of connectivity and the impact on the environment. This document contains two proposals; that the money spent on HS2 should be part allocated towards delivering Crossrail 2, and the rest on Northern Powerhouse Rail so that both the north and south of the country benefit.


Londoners' Lives Matter: Reversing The Rise In Knife Crime 

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