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Artificial Intelligence: A New Era In Policing

July 2018 | Steve O'Connell AM

Plotting Your Future: Rolling Out Plot Shops For Self-Builders Across London

October 2017 | Shaun Bailey AM

The Road Ahead: Cutting London's Congestion Without Penalising Drivers

July 2017 | Tony Devenish AM

Struck Out 2: Judgement Day

February 2017 | Keith Prince AM

Time For Care: Reducing The Pressure On London's Response To Cardiac Arrests

October 2016 | Shaun Bailey AM

Rich City, Poor Pay: Ending The Pattern Of Low Pay In The Capital

April 2017 | Andrew Boff AM

Cash For Access: Expanding The Availability Of Free Cash Machines

March 2017 | Shaun Bailey 2017

Smart Move: Building New Bungalows To Free Up Family Homes

November 2016 | Andrew Boff AM

Problem Shared: Boosting The Supply Of Shared Ownership Housing In London

September 2016 | Andrew Boff AM

Safe & Secure Protecting London's Data

August 2016 | Gareth Bacon AM

Crowdfunding Transport: Using Technology To Fund Transport Upgrades

August 2016 | Keith Prince AM

Never Miss A Beat: Improving London's Response To Cardiac Arrests

July 2016 | Shaun Bailey AM

Doctor Will See You Now: Improving GP Bookings In London

May 2016 | Andrew Boff AM

Updated Response: A Fire Reporting Mobile App For London

March 2016 | Tony Arbour AM

Pop-Up Housing: A London Solution

February 2016 | Andrew Boff AM

Health Appreciation: Investing In Health Facilities From New Development

November 2015 | Steve O'Connell AM

eReport: Improving The Reporting Of Rape Using Technology

2015 | Andrew Boff AM

Capital Investment: Private Finance For Social Problems

2015 | James Cleverly AM

Southern Powerhouse: True Devolution For London & The South East

2015 | Andrew Boff AM

Saving An Icon: Rescuing London's Black Cabs From Extinction

2015 | Richard Tracey AM

Silent Suffering: Support The Male Survivors Of Sexual Assault

2015 | Kemi Badenoch AM

Sporting Chance: Increasing Disability Access To Sport

2015 | Richard Tracey AM

Renter's Paradise: Improving Living Conditions For Private Tenants

2015 | Kemi Badenoch AM

Pay & Dismay: Parking At London's Hospitals

2014 | Andrew Boff AM

Market Stalled: Ensuring London's Markets Can Survive & Thrive

2014 | Gareth Bacon AM

Green Light: Turning Off London's Traffic Lights At Night

2014 | Richard Tracey AM

Risky Business: Protecting Frontline Workers From Attack Whilst On Duty 

2014 | Roger Evans AM

Hidden Hate: Report On Disability Hate Crime

2014 | Victoria Borwick AM

Gap In The Market: Building New Homes In London on Disused Sites

2014 | Steve O'Connell AM

On The Wagon: Reducing The Cost Of Binge Drinking By Expanding Sobering Services

2014 | Tony Arbour AM

Home Safe Home: Safer Neighbourhoods Through Safe Houses & Citizen Patrols

2014 | Andrew Boff AM

Commuter Payback: Providing Rebates For Flexible Commuting

2014 | Roger Evans AM

Paramedics In Peril: Reducing Assaults On London Ambulance Service Crews

2014 | Roger Evans AM

High Street Blues: Tackling Small Business Crime In London

2014 | Roger Evans AM

From Lock Up To Start Up: London's Micro Businesses Thriving Out Of Empty Garages

2014 | Steve O'Connell AM

All Aboard At Tumham Green: Integrating Tumham Green Into The Piccadilly Line

2013 | Tony Arbour AM

Clear Road Ahead: Bus Collisions And The Need For Transparency

2013 | Richard Tracey AM

Sealing The Deal: TFL Sponsorship Feasibility Study

2013 | Gareth Bacon AM

Shadow City: Exposing Human Trafficking In Everyday London

2013 | Andrew Boff AM

Justice Postponed: Reducing The Vast Number Of Trials

2013 | Tony Arbour AM

Thinking Outside The Hive: Supporting London's Pollinators

2013 | James Cleverly AM

History's Life Sentence: Opening The Met's 150 Year Old Secret Crime Musuem 

2013 | Roger Evans AM

Six Point Plan: To Meet The Savings Needed With A Reduced DFT Grant To TfL

2013 | Richard Tracey AM

Untapped Resource: Bearing Down On Fares Through Sponsorship

2013 | Gareth Bacon AM

UnHeard Voices: The Liverpool Care Pathway

2013 | Richard Tracey AM

Struck Out: Reforming London Underground's Strike Laws

2013 | Roger Evans AM

Keeping Local: How To Save London's Pubs As A Community Resources

2013 | Steve O'Connell AM

Home Works: Why London Needs To Expand Home Working

2013 | Roger Evans AM

Calling All Stations: Mobile Connectivity On The London Underground

2013 | Gareth Bacon AM

A United Emergency Service: Shared Services And Estate Options For The Met

2012 | James Cleverly AM

Radically Normal: Delivering Traditional Homes With Contemporary Design

2012 | Andrew Boff AM

Protecting London's Position As A World City: Creating The First "Virtual Hub" Airport

2012 | Victoria Borwick AM

Highly Charged: Residential Leasehold Services Charges In London

2012 | Andrew Boff AM

Silence On Violence: Improving The Safety Of Women

2012 | Andrew Boff AM

Riots Report: Victim's Panel

2011 | GLA Conservatives

Crowded Houses: Overcrowding In London Social Rented Housing

2011 | Andrew Boff AM

Not Forgotten: A Review Of London's War Memorials

2009 | Andrew Boff AM

Equestrian Events In Greenwich Park:

A Consultation With Greenwich Residents

2009 | Gareth Bacon AM

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